CBD Bath Shake | 1,000mg Leftovers | Lavender, Eucalyptus



Do you like our CBD Bath Bombs? Do you bath OFTEN?!  Well, enjoy it in spurts or all at once with our loose bath bomb shake. This recipe is also specially blended for those with sensitive or dry skin as we have reduced the amount of citric acid. Use the included scooper to add the loose bath bomb powder to your bath, foot spa or sink (to soak your arms/hands). There is approx 33mg of CBD per scoop (1TBS).


Sodium bicarbonate citric acid, Epsom salt, sea salt, corn starch, hemp seed oil, coconut oil, lavender essential oil or Eucalyptus essential oil, cannabidiol extracted from hemp.


Scoop 1 TBS or desired amount of bath bomb shake into warm water. Soak 15+ minutes.

Jar – Approximately 15 servings

Bag – Approximately 30 servings available in 3 scents

Additional information

Essential oil scent:

Lavender, Eucalyptus, Unscented


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